1. Take a look at one or two of the podcast directories listed and see if you can find a podcast that interests you. See if you can find some interesting library related podcasts here like book review podcasts or library news.
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I tried Podcast.net and typed in "library" as a keyword. I found a couple of entries that I found interesting.
I was drawn to the Sunnyvale Public Library podcasts because it appeared that they were archiving their events as podcasts. The first podcast I listened to was "Sunnyvale Voices - How Apricots Were Grown and Dried"
I then clicked in to the UC Santa Cruz Synergy Lecture Series for Lecture 6, Dr. Mary Silver, "Red Tides, Shellfish, and Cultural Dietary Traditions".
I did find this podcast lecture interesting, yet I found myself wishing there was video accompanying the lecture....like the Google/UC Berkeley set-up. I didn't listen to the full lecture....but I find it very cool to be able to hear lectures without worrying about being graded or tested on the information later.
UC Berkeley on Google Video
I then tried Podcastalley.com and chose the "Environment" genre. There was a Monterey Bay Aquarium podcast called Monterey Bay Aquariums "Aquarium of the Air". They had a podcast called Wild About Otters New Exhibit Opening. This was so fantastic! It featured Michelle Jeffries, the associate curator of mammals, talking about their new exhibit.
Wild About Otters at Monterey Bay Aquarium
This podcast meant a lot to me....as our zoo babysat the Small Clawed Asian Otters for the Monterey Bay Aquarium for about six months...until the Aquarium was ready to accept them. It was so exciting taking care of these precious little rascals. They were hungry all the time, no matter how much or how often they were fed, and they let you know by making loud crying/chirping/whining noises.

Here is a youtube video of the otters at Zoo Atlanta and you will understand what I'm talking about.
So yeah....podcasts are really great and quite useful....even if I run with the topic so I can find online videos of what I'm looking for.
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