1. Visit sjlibrary's ebooks (FYI: It's a quick link on the home page)
2. Explore World EBook Fair' site for FREE downloads from the Gutenberg Project. Also just explore the site - there's much to check out.
3. Create a blog post about your findings.
I was excited to visit sjlibrary's ebooks as I've never, ever looked at an ebook before. However I was dismayed to find that my computer had difficulty installing the plug-in. Hmmm, guess I'll have to call IT about that. Bummer.
I had tried to view "Wives and Daughters" by Elizabeth Gaskell that came up in a search under "children fiction" as keywords.
"Dogeared Pages Make Me Crazy" allowed me to view the SJLibrary EBooks on her computer, since she already had the plug-in installed. I was able to view many, many chapters of "Wives and Daughters", but I tend to agree with "Dogeared Pages Make Me Crazy". I'd rather curl up somewhere warm and comfy to read a book, especially a long book like "Wives and Daughters".
For World EBook Fair' site, I accidently chose a Buddhist story about an otter...but then was asked for username and password..ooops. Ok, found the free ones and picked "Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases" out of the Top 100 Downloads.
Some cool ones:
"The moonlight, like a fairy mist, upon the mesa spreads"
"Style comes, if at all, like the bloom upon fruit, or the glow of health upon the cheek"
I even found a library one:
"Buried in his library like a mouse in a cheese"
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